Today House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Chairman Rep. Buck McKeon released his version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Click here for the Chairman’s mark, which includes detailed funding tables for national defense (function 050) spending.
HASC Subcommittees Begin Releasing Marks
On April 25 the seven Subcommittees of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) began releasing their marks in preparation for the full HASC mark up of the defense bill on May 9. Among the marks released today was the Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark. The Subcommittee is scheduled to take up the mark on April 26.
Center Analysis on House Energy and Water Appropriations Bill Cited in Global Security Newswire
House Appropriations Panel Eyes Funding Boost For Nuclear Security Programs By Douglas P. Guarino Global Security Newswire WASHINGTON – House appropriators were poised on Wednesday to consider largely endorsing the Obama administration’s nuclear arms spending plan while boosting funding in the next budget for select nuclear security programs and slashing spending on a controversial […]
Abilene Reporter-News Quotes Phil Coyle on BRAC
BRAC is back: Next round will focus on infrastructure excess to cut military expense By Trish Choate Abilene Reporter-News WASHINGTON — Rounds of Base Realignment and Closure in 2013 and 2015, proposed by the Pentagon, will look different from the last round of BRAC, officials say. Click here to read the rest of the article […]
AP Quotes Laicie on Nuclear Spending
US weapons for future include key relics of past By ROBERT BURNS AP National Security Writer Jan. 28, 2012 Laicie Olson, senior policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said in an interview Friday that she was surprised, given Obama’s commitment to reducing the number of nuclear weapons, that the administration is […]