Well, it looks like March 1 is the new January 1. At the start of next month, automatic budget cuts are scheduled to go into effect, meaning that, for the next few weeks, Congress and the White House will be looking for ways to manage the federal budge…
San Antonio Express Publishes Article by Laicie Heeley
On to the Next Cliff Published in the San Antonio Express on January 16, 2013. The now infamous “fiscal cliff” Congress averted just hours before the New Year’s deadline left most Americans with more questions than answers. Though the deal covers some of the most contentious tax issues, it leaves open the possibility that automatic […]
Korean HeraldQuotes Laicie Olson and Kingston Reif on 2013 NDAA
Revised U.S. defense act urges tougher measures against N.K. By Shin Hyon-hee The Korean Herald The NDAA resulted from months-long negotiations between Democrats and Republicans through the double-chamber legislature’s conference committee. The Democrat-controlled Senate had resisted some hard-line proposals from the Republican-dominated House including the MD base plan due to uncertainty and budget pressure. […]
Lt. General Gard Appears on David Pakman Show Discussing Pentagon Spending
Lt. General Gard Appears on David Pakman Show Discussing Pentagon Spending <iframe allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” width=”640″ frameborder=”0″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/SvqkIIS0gRI?feature=player_embedded” height=”360″></iframe>
Lt. General Robert G. Gard, Jr. Discusses Reshaping Pentagon Spending with Ian Masters
A General on Why We Should Cut the Defense Budget on Background Briefing with Ian Masters. Listen to or download the file here Notable quotes: “If we could get Congress to start appropriating funds for defense programs based on security needs instead of the needs of their states or districts we could save a […]