Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Business Insider about the United States’ potential withdrawal from the INF Treaty.
“There is no evidence that all possible diplomatic options have been exhausted,” said Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.
“The United States wants the Russians to verifiably dismantle the currently deployed 9M729 missiles and provide inspection opportunities so Washington can be sure the missiles are no longer being produced,” Bell said. “Russia wants to be assured that our missile-defense installations cannot be used for offensive capabilities,” which could be done through inspections.
“Therein lies some viable trade space,” Bell added.
“European leaders need to press President Trump and President Putin to go back to the negotiating table and stay there until the treaty is fixed,” Bell, of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said in an email.
“Congress can also demand to know any and all efforts that have been made and could be made to preserve the treaty,” which could be done through hearings, Bell added. “If met with resistance, Congress can withhold funds for certain nuclear systems.” Read more