Center board member Dick Klass was quoted in The Hill discussing talks between North and South Korea prior to the February Olympics. Retired Col. Richard Klass, a board member at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, likewise was skeptical the Olympics-inspired peace will last. “Enjoy the warm weather now,” he said, “because there’s a […]
As North Korea reopens hotline with South, officials and experts have doubts
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell weighs in on concerns about the talks between North and South Korea in an interview with Sinclair. Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation, held the opposite view, that broaching negotiations could be a sign that Kim believes he has new leverage. “North […]
Op-ed: The Consequences of War with North Korea
Program Assistant Erin Connolly partnered with Abigail Stowe-Thurston of the Friends Committee on National Legislation to write about a new war from the perspective of millennials in Teen Vogue. “Before our tenth birthdays, our country chose war. Politicians and pundits promised our parents that only an invasion of Iraq could prevent a mushroom cloud from posing an […]
Fact Sheet: North Korea Missile Activity in 2017
February 12, 2017 – Medium Range Ballistic Missile Launch Missile Pukguksong-2, also known as the KN-15 Flight The missile flew ~ 500 km (310 mi) on a lofted trajectory, reaching a height of ~ 550 km (340 mi). Landed Sea of Japan Status Success What did we learn? This was the first flight test of […]
Donald Trump’s Dangerous North Korea Gambit
Szilard Advisory Board Member Jon Wolfsthal was quoted in WIRED. “My perception, based on 30 years of work on this, is that North Korea is paranoid that the United States is going to eliminate them,” says Jon Wolfsthal, a member of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s Szilard Advisory Board, and former special advisor […]