Published in Arms Control Today May 2012 edition: By Duyeon Kim Defying international warnings, North Korea on April 13 fired a three-stage Unha-3 rocket with the aim of launching a satellite into orbit. The rocket failed and exploded into about 20 pieces over the West Sea (Yellow Sea) between the Korean peninsula and China, according […]
[Op-Ed] 2012 Seoul Summit: Pivot to Global Nuclear Security
by Duyeon Kim Published in the Korea Economic Institute’s “The Peninsula” on April 4, 2012. The 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, Korea could have been a watershed moment for nuclear security. The 58 heads of state and world leaders were expected to implement nuclear security measures conceptualized by the Obama administration’s first Summit in […]
Abandon Negotiations with North Korea?
By: Gen. Robert Gard An editorial in The Washington Post’s 13 March 2012 edition ridicules the Obama administration for offering 240 metric tons of nutritional assistance to North Korea’s undernourished and hungry population. In return, as part of an announcement on 29 February, Pyongyang agreed to suspend nuclear and missile testing, freeze enrichment of uranium […]
MEDIA ADVISORY: North Korea’s Planned April Launch
(WASHINGTON) – The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation today criticized the North Korean announcement of a rocket test as a “clear violation” of previous agreements.
North Korea: Small Step Forward, Many More to Go
Published in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. BY DUYEON KIM Article Highlights In reaching an agreement with the United States, North Korea took a small positive step, but details of and compliance with the latest agreement will be key in determining whether Pyongyang is serious about denuclearization. The simultaneously released statements from the United […]