Policy Analyst James McKeon spoke with UPI about what North Korea’s promise to denuclearize means, realistically. Not only does North Korea’s authoritarian regime have time to spare, any approach to “complete denuclearization” would be protracted, which makes the process challenging, says James McKeon, a policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in […]
Broken Arrow News: Week of June 10
By Luisa Kenausis, Scoville Fellow In U.S. military lingo, a “broken arrow” refers to a incident involving the loss of a nuclear weapon. Here, we’re bringing you the nuclear weapons news that’s been ‘lost’ in the last week. China Showdown in the South China Sea: United States flies nuclear-capable bombers In the tense South China […]
Analysis: Your annotated guide to the Singapore Summit
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell and Scoville Fellow Luisa Kenausis break down the transcript from the Singapore Summit in Inkstick and explain President Trump’s nuclear misstatements. Since President Trump met with North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un earlier this week, the pace and volume of news and analysis has been overwhelming. President Trump’s post-summit press conference […]
Op-ed: With North Korea, diplomacy is our best and only option
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell wrote an op-ed in the Seattle Times on why diplomacy remains the best option in nuclear negotiations. As the hard work of negotiations begins and the headlines shift to other topics, the public cannot lose focus. Each and every seemingly normal day of our lives, we are living under the […]
Mike Pompeo Says Sanctions Will Remain on North Korea Until Complete Denuclearization
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Time about President Trump’s decision to pause joint military drills in South Korea without consulting allies. Alexandra Bell, Senior Policy Director at the Center for Arms Control and Non Proliferation tells TIME that while pausing the drills “may, in the end, be the right move” the decision should […]