Executive Director John Tierney did a Q&A with the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence about the Iran deal and the Trump administration’s policy toward Iran. Q: President Donald Trump abrogated the Iran deal unilaterally with the aim of convincing the Islamic Republic to sign a new deal with the United States. More than a […]
Op-ed: Congress must push for a ‘Gold Standard’ nuclear agreement with Saudi Arabia
Research Analyst Sam Hickey writes in The Hill that Congress must push for a 123 “gold standard” nuclear agreement with Saudi Arabia. After months of Members of Congress issuing troubling reports, holding hearings and writing letters, there is finally some good news on U.S. policy regarding a Saudi civil nuclear energy program. The Trump administration appears to be taking […]
US nuclear bombs at Turkish airbase complicate rift over Syria invasion
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in The Guardian about a way the Trump administration exacerbates nuclear crises. Alexandra Bell, a senior policy director at the Centre for Arms Control and Non-proliferation, said the Trump administration did not have confirmed officials in key posts that would normally be tasked with dealing with such nuclear dilemmas. “The […]
Executive Director John Tierney Quoted in US News and World Report
Read the full piece here. John Tierney, executive director of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, says, “any path seems narrow at this point” to stop Trump’s proposed sales, citing the high hurdles of passing legislation in Congress. But Tierney, a former Massachusetts congressman, says he finds it interesting that “so far objections seem […]
Iran “Secret Side Deal” is neither a Secret nor a Threat
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE James McKeon jmckeon@armscontrolcenter.org 202.546.0795 X 2617 Cell: 814.460.6943 Washington, D.C – Yesterday, an Associated Press article highlighted what appears to be a long-term enrichment research and development proposal submitted by Iran to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which was required by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Though some aspects of […]