To download a PDF version, click here. A. Treaties: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty House: Sections 1243 and 1244: Authorizes $25 million to establish a program of record to develop a conventional road-mobile ground-launched cruise missile system that, if tested or deployed, would violate the INF Treaty. Senate: Section 1635: Authorizes $65 million to establish […]
The Effect of Non-Certification under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA)
View as PDF. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA, P.L. 114-17), at subsection 135(d)(6)(A), adds to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 a requirement that the President determine, every 90 days, whether he can certify that: “(i) Iran is transparently, verifiably, and fully implementing the agreement, including all related technical or additional agreements; […]
Mike Flynn’s Nuclear Side-Hustle Gets Even Shadier
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Vanity Fair. “Giving a country nuclear energy capacity, as the Marshall Plan would, “is like giving a country a nuclear weapons starter kit,” the nonprofit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s Alexandra Bell said.” Read more
Trump Advisers Secretly Met With Jordan’s King While One Was Pushing A Huge Nuclear Power Deal
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in BuzzFeed News. “The reason there is concern is that nuclear energy capacity is like giving a country a nuclear weapons starter kit,” said Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the nonprofit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Read more
Op-ed: Save the INF Treaty—but not by repeating history
Scoville Fellow Bernadette Stadler and NAB Member Ambassador Graham penned an op-ed in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “But even if the United States retraced all the steps it took during the initial INF Treaty negotiations—including the deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Europe—it could not recreate the underlying conditions that allowed the negotiations to […]