Two more pieces in PolicyMic this week, so be sure to take a look. You can find the links and a couple of clips below.
U.N. Secretary General Inspires Students toward Increased Nuclear Non-Proliferation Efforts
On Friday, January 18th, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon spoke before a private audience at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. Concentrating on nuclear nonproliferation, Secretary Ban stressed the importance of escalating nonproliferation activity worldwide, and the dangers of delaying or slowing disarmament progress…
Military and Policy Experts Call on P5+1 and Iran to Set a Productive Agenda for Upcoming Meetings
“Bold leadership from the White House is needed,” said Lt. General (ret. USA) Robert Gard PhD, Chairman of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and member of the Council on Foreign Relations. “After decades of stagnation, hopping from one crisis to another with Iran, the negotiators are in a position to develop a proposal that will ensure that Iran does not develop a nuclear weapon and put its nuclear program under stricter controls by the International Atomic Energy Agency.”
North Korea Vows “High Level” Nuclear Test; Diplomacy Needed Now
Lt. General (ret. USA) Robert Gard Jr. PhD, Chairman of the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, stressed, “Even if the North Koreans engage in provocative behavior that should not dissuade us from engaging them.”
Bipartisan Arms Control Experts Rally Behind Hagel Nomination
“From reduced defense spending to developing an exit strategy in Afghanistan and a global community concerned with terrorism, the Pentagon faces many challenges in the 21st century. Hagel will effectively lead the institution in addressing these concerns,” said Amb. Graham. “As the U.S. and other nuclear arms countries consider further reductions in nuclear stockpiles to ensure greater national and global security, it is imperative that someone with Senator Hagel’s experience and keen insights lead the Department of Defense.”