Research Analyst Samuel Hickey appeared on WNYW FOX 5 NYC, discussing Russia’s seizure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine.
Iran Nuclear Talks: Limited Progress in Vienna going into the Holidays
By Samuel M. Hickey Following a five-month hiatus from nuclear talks, there has been little diplomatic progress between Iran and the members of the P4+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom) since the return to Vienna on Nov. 29. The common criticism is that the new Raisi administration pocketed any compromise solutions put on the table during the first […]
Fact Sheet: Low-Enriched Uranium for Naval Reactors
Congress is considering whether to continue research that started in 2016 into using low-enriched uranium (LEU) to replace weapon-grade highly-enriched uranium (HEU) to fuel naval nuclear propulsion reactors. Such a switch would reduce risks of nuclear proliferation and avoid the need to restart production of weapons-grade uranium for the first time since 1992. Rapidly Closing […]
Fact Sheet: The Civilian and Military Characteristics of Plutonium
Nuclear weapons require fissile materials, that is certain isotopes of uranium and plutonium, to sustain explosive fission chain reactions. Plutonium for weapons is normally obtained by reprocessing. Reprocessing is the separation of plutonium from irradiated uranium, often in the spent fuel from a nuclear reactor. The process was originally developed in the United States as […]
Fact Sheet: Uranium Enrichment: For Peace or for Weapons
Centrifuge technology is at the heart of the enrichment process, and the line between its uses for civilian and military purposes is hard to distinguish. Once a country has mastered this technology, the centrifuges can be reconfigured into cascades to either produce fuel for an electricity-generating nuclear reactor or the 25 kilograms of weapon-grade uranium […]