Read the full piece here. Although the analysis cites few government sources, it is solid, says Philip E. Coyle III, a former Pentagon weapons test director now at the Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation in Washington, D.C. Read the full piece here.
Video: Understanding North Korea
On March 20, the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and long-time Center contributor Dr. Jim Walsh took to Facebook to discuss the current situation in North Korea, the threat North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles programs pose to the United States and its allies, analyze the current U.S. policy toward North Korea and possible […]
National Advisory Board Member John Polanyi’s op-ed in Toronto Star
Read the full op-ed here. At the dawn of the nuclear age, its principal architect, Robert Oppenheimer, spoke of a stable standoff between nuclear powers. They would be held back from attacking one another by mutual fear, instead circling endlessly “like a pair of scorpions trapped in a bottle.” Subsequently, political scientist Albert Wohlstetter pointed […]
Fact Sheet: Global Nuclear Weapons Inventories in 2017
Unless otherwise specified, all information in this chart comes from Kristensen’s and Norris’s Status of World Nuclear Forces 2017 CHART: Global Nuclear Weapons Inventories 2017 Deployed Non-deployed Retired Total United States[i] ~1,740a ~2,260 ~2,800 ~6,800 Russia[ii] ~1,950a ~2,350 ~2,700 ~7,000 France ~280 ~10 * ~290 United Kingdom ~120 ~95 * ~215 China 0 […]
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle’s interview in New York Magazine
Read the full interview here. Atomic-weapons expert Philip Coyle was the head of nuclear-weapons testing under President Bill Clinton and an adviser to the Carter and Obama administrations. And as a scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab in California, he spent 30 years helping design both nuclear arms and the only anti-missile weapon ever […]