Read the full piece in the POLITICO. John Tierney, a former Democratic congressman and current executive director of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, cast Trump’s tweet as perilous. “It is dangerous for the President-elect to use just 140 characters and announce a major change in U.S. nuclear weapons policy, which is nuanced, complex, […]
Center Policy Analyst James McKeon Interviewed on CBS News
Watch the interview here!
Questions By a Student on Nuclear Weapons
Click to view a PDF version of this Q&A. Our mission at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation depends on educating others about issues that affect all of humanity, including the newest generation of thinkers. We recently received questions from a 5th grader on nuclear weapons issues and got to reflect on why we […]
Congress’ Call to Expand National Missile Defense Marks the Height of Irresponsibility
Removing longstanding U.S. policy on “limited” national missile defense is financially reckless, exceptionally destabilizing, and detrimental to U.S. national security. President Obama should consider vetoing the latest National Defense Authorization bill based on this provision alone. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hazel Correa 202.546.0795 x2115 Washington, DC – Since 1997, Congress has mandated that the policy […]
Cost of U.S. Nuclear Triad Modernization: $1 Trillion
Click here for a printable PDF version.