I’ve now been working at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and Council for a Livable World for about three weeks. Since joining, I have been educating myself on nuclear weapons, defense spending, among other issues and policies we work to highlight. In my time within this community, I’ve realized that non-profit organizations like […]
Major Differences Between House and Senate Fiscal Year 2017 Defense Authorization Bills
Click here for a PDF version. Additional Resources: Senate Report on NDAA House Report on NDAA FUNDING, TROOP LEVELS AND POLICY ISSUES House: Uses $18 billion in the OCO account to pay for base budget items, which will require a new request for war funds by the end of April 2017 Senate: Does […]
North Korea Conducts 5th Nuclear Test; Status Quo Woefully Ineffective
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE James McKeon Jmckeon@armscontrolcenter.org 202.546.0795 x 2617 Washington, DC – Early reports of irregular seismic activity have been detected in North Korea, indicating a likely nuclear weapons test. If reports are accurate, this will be Pyongyang’s fifth nuclear test and the country’s second of 2016. The potential test follows a series of provocative […]
Why We Still Need to Cooperate with Russia on Nuclear Security
The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 dismantled a highly centralized multi-national government, leaving behind 15 newly independent states, an economy in chaotic transition, and an enormous nuclear weapons complex. The sudden meltdown of the military structures that had managed the Soviet nuclear arsenal for decades left destructive weapons, technologies, and materials exposed and […]
U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe
By: Erin Connolly The recent upheaval in Turkey has highlighted an uncomfortable fact: The United States holds approximately 160 tactical nuclear weapons outside of its own borders. In fact, all of these nonstrategic nuclear weapons are deployed in Europe at six bases in five countries, including Turkey. In theory, these weapons are in place to […]