On the Center’s website, I’ve written a long piece on the new sanctions bills that the House and Senate will be considering in the next few months. Some of them are measures similar to what we’ve seen before, but there are also some new twists being mu…
HASC preparing to go wild
At last week’s House Strategic Forces Subcommittee hearing on the FY 2014 budget request for nuclear weapons programs at the Department of Energy and the Pentagon, Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) once again declared his intention to use t…
Budget Busting SSBN(X) Style
Last week, STRATCOM Commander Gen. Robert Kehler provided further confirmation of what we’ve been suggesting for some time: The current plan to build twelve new Ohio-class replacement ballistic missile submarines (also known as the SSBN(X)) probably is…
Quote of the Day: Independent Senator thinking independently about missile defense edition
SEN. KING: One of the issues that I’ve been concerned about as I’ve been in these hearings is a growing submarine capability. It seems like everybody wants to have a submarine and a lot of countries do. I take it that this shield that we are constructi…
Quote of the Day: Pork Barreling at its Finest edition
SEN. GRAHAM: …So my state, Madame Chairman, years ago accepted 34 metric tons of plutonium with the promise we would dispose of it in a way to make the world safer, create jobs in South Carolina and Georgia and at the end of the day not be stuck with…