Nevertheless, NNSA continues to experience significant deficiencies, particularly in its management of major projects and contracts. As we testified in February 2012, a basic tenet of effective management is the ability to complete projects on time and within budget. However, for more than a decade, NNSA has continued to experience significant cost and schedule overruns on its major projects, principally because of ineffective oversight and poor contractor management.
GOP: for policies before being against them
Ezra Klein pointed out recently in a Washington Post piece the challenge that President Obama faces in his dealings with today’s Republican Party. Using the DREAM Act as an example, Klein shows how longstanding Republican positions, after being embraced by Obama, become toxic, making bipartisanship difficult if not impossible.
13 days — and what was learned
October 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the most dangerous moment of the nuclear age – and perhaps any age. Regular readers will know that I’ve long been a missile crisis afficiando – indeed, it’s behind my personal and professional interest in arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament.
Obama, Putin, and Playing Well With Others
With campaign rhetoric calling Russia America’s greatest geopolitical foe, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s saber-rattling, and disagreements on tough issues such as Syria, it’s easy to forget how much common ground the United States and Russia share.
Quote of the Day: John Kerry on New START Implementation Edition
First of all, we did not sign up to the New START Treaty as a favor to anybody, let alone Russia—any more than 95 United States Senators in 2003 – under President Bush – were doing a favor for Russia when they voted to support the Bush Administration’s Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty.