The 2019 Class of Congressional Nuclear Security Fellows have been announced. The Nuclear Security Working Group is pleased to welcome 9 incoming Congressional Nuclear Security Fellows for the 2019 calendar year. The Nuclear Security Working Group’s Congressional Fellowship program, which began in 2017, provides highly qualified up-and-coming national security professionals with an opportunity to spend […]
In the News: FMWG Erin Connolly Highlights Dangers of Cesium-137
As part of CSIS Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) FMWG program assistant Erin Connolly highlights the need to continue replacing cesium-137 with viable alternatives both nationally and internationally to prevent a dirty bomb. Her paper focuses on the efforts to replace cesium-137 blood irradiators thus far and how these efforts must continue and expand.
Las tensiones entre Rusia y Estados Unidos reavivan la carrera del rearme
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with El Pais about the potential for a new arms race after the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty. La situación actual podría ser la repetición en el siglo XXI de una “nueva guerra fría armamentística” aunque más compleja, coincide Alexandra Bell, segunda en el escalafón directivo del Centro para […]
Elizabeth Warren wants to ban the US from using nuclear weapons first
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Vox about Sen. Warren’s proposed no-first-use bill. “It’s a political commitment,” Bell told me. “It signals to the world about where we want to go toward a deterrent-based posture. You need the policy and the force behind it.” … To proponents of no first use, all of that […]
A Farewell to Arms Control?
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was on the Wake weekly broadcast, speaking on the U.S.’ planned withdrawal from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.