The report offers a comprehensive assessment of the national commitments states undertook as part of the summit process. While these commitments represent significant advances, effective nuclear security requires continuous improvement to address gaps and new threats. States must continue to build on the accomplishments of the summit process to minimize the risk of nuclear terrorism.
In the News: FMWG Chair Miles Pomper highlights lack of proper U.S. Government accounting for radioactive materials
In a recent article, FMWG Chair Miles Pomper and CNS colleague Grace Liu comment on the theft of cesium-137 and plutonium that occurred one year ago. Authorities have failed to locate the dangerous materials and as Pomper explains, “the behavior of the officials and the lack of reporting and transparency is of great concern.”
Some voices on nuclear risk after Helsinki
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists after the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki. “I would have liked to see stronger commitment to serious discussion about the extension of New START & how we fix the INF Treaty, but I’m glad we saw no indication either side is backing off […]
Fact Sheet: Biological Weapons
Updated December 2024 Biological weapons (BW) are disease-causing organisms and toxins that are designed to harm or kill humans, livestock or crops. Naturally occurring biological agents, like the organisms that cause anthrax, bubonic plague, and smallpox, are manipulated for use in weapons. These weapons can be disseminated in various ways, including through traditional military platforms […]
New Report Assesses the Impact of the Nuclear Security Summits, Yet Threat of Nuclear Terrorism Still Looms
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Tony Fleming, Director for Communications and Operations, Arms Control Association, (202) 463-8270, ext. 110; Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy. Arms Control Association, 202-463-8270 ext. 102; Anna Schumann, Communications Director, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 202-546-0795 ext. 2115; Sara Z. Kutchesfahani, Senior Program Coordinator FMWG; Senior Policy Analyst, Center for […]