Center Board Member Colonel Klass was quoted in The Hill. Short of starting a trade war by sanctioning China, retired Col. Richard Klass said he doesn’t think there’s a way to pressure China to support the type of blockade that would have an effect on North Korea. “He knows we’re not going to launch a […]
Mike Flynn’s Nuclear Side-Hustle Gets Even Shadier
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Vanity Fair. “Giving a country nuclear energy capacity, as the Marshall Plan would, “is like giving a country a nuclear weapons starter kit,” the nonprofit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s Alexandra Bell said.” Read more
Trump Advisers Secretly Met With Jordan’s King While One Was Pushing A Huge Nuclear Power Deal
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in BuzzFeed News. “The reason there is concern is that nuclear energy capacity is like giving a country a nuclear weapons starter kit,” said Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the nonprofit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Read more
Cooperative Threat Reduction or: How I Stopped Worrying and Got Rid of the Bomb
When the Cold War ended, four separate countries suddenly inherited the former Soviet nuclear arsenal. Destroying and removing those weapons was a herculean effort, and it couldn’t have been done without the bipartisan leadership of two U.S. Senators. We tell the story with Senators Nunn and Lugar, as well as former Assistant Secretary of Defense […]
Op-ed: Save the INF Treaty—but not by repeating history
Scoville Fellow Bernadette Stadler and NAB Member Ambassador Graham penned an op-ed in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “But even if the United States retraced all the steps it took during the initial INF Treaty negotiations—including the deployment of intermediate-range missiles in Europe—it could not recreate the underlying conditions that allowed the negotiations to […]