Funding is there for updating warheads by Molly Moorhead Politifact Some Republicans in the House of Representatives have been at odds with each other over this pledge. But the bottom line is that nuclear weapon upgrades and maintenance are being funded. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Rand Paul (Still) Pushing for Pakistani Aid Cutoff, and It’s (Still) a Bad Idea
For several months now, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has been pushing for the United States to cut off foreign aid to Pakistan, which amounted to just over $2 billion in 2012. This week, as conservative Republicans propose a rethinking of aid to Egypt and Libya in the wake of anti-American attacks there, Paul is hoping to finally get a vote on his Pakistan proposal.
Prague, revisited
In my September Bulletin column I assess President Obama’s record on nuclear threat reduction during his first term in office. Here’s the intro: Few national security issues are as important to President Barack Obama as reducing the threat posed by nuc…
20 Years Later A-Bomb Still ‘Sum of All Fears’
Over 20 years ago the Iron Curtain fell, the Soviet Union dissolved and the world breathed a sigh of relief knowing the Cold War was over. Believing that nuclear war would not likely begin at a moment’s notice, people felt safer and more secure. But now, the threats of new countries building nuclear weapons, nuclear terrorism and insecure nuclear stockpiles have made it strikingly clear that the dangers of nuclear weapons remain, 67 years after the advent of the atomic bomb.
Top Republicans Call for an Accelerated Afghanistan Withdrawal
UPDATE (Friday, 9/21): Senator McCain later backed away from these initial remarks, releasing a statement on September 20 in which he explained: “I have said that no option should be taken off the table in such a discussion, including a more rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops. However, I continue to believe that would be the worst possible course of action.” Read the full statement here.