AOL Defense published an op-ed by Gen. Gard and yours truly on the House version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310), which passed the House last Friday by a vote of 299-120. Here’s our intro: There is broad bipartisan agreeme…
VOA Interviews Duyeon Kim
On May 22, 2012 Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, spoke to Voice of America (Korean language service) about North Korea’s latest statement to refrain from nuclear testing. Click here or see below for the radio transcript (Korean language): 미 전문가 “북한, 당장 핵실험 안 할듯” […]
HASC Bill Shows GOP Stuck in Cold War; Reduce SSBN-X, Nukes
By Robert Gard Originally published in AOL Defense on May 21, 2012. Article summary below; read the full text online. There is broad bipartisan agreement that few national security issues are as critical as how to deal with America’s crippling debt. This means we should spend scarce dollars on the weapons we need for current threats and not on […]
Dueling Quotes of the Day: GMD on the Jersey Shore edition
“We’ve invested billions of dollars. We’ve proven this technology,” says Sessions, who represents the state where much of the GMD development work was conducted. “An extra site [on the East Coast] would clearly provide extra protection. And I think it would validate our investment. It’s such an unacceptable thing to have developed a system that will work and then not deploy it.”
HASC Bill Shows GOP Stuck in Cold War; Reduce SSBN-X, Nukes
by Robert G. Gard and Kingston Reif Originally published in AOL Defense on May 21, 2012. Article summary below; read the full text online. There is broad bipartisan agreement that few national security issues are as critical as how to deal with America’s crippling debt. This means we should spend scarce dollars on the weapons we […]