THE LATEST ON RUSSIAN NUCLEAR THREATS As the team here at the Center continues to track new developments in Ukraine, the nuclear risks of the current crisis remain top of mind. We have continued to update a series of frequently asked questions about the nuclear issues involved in the Ukraine crisis. They answer questions about why Ukraine is […]
Op-ed: Vladimir Putin’s Nuclear Gamble in Ukraine
Senior Policy Director John Erath authored an op-ed in The National Interest arguing that the dangerous combination of ignoring Russia’s failures while at the same time emphasizing nuclear options risks opening the door to a dangerous cycle of escalation. “Russian president Vladimir Putin has made a dangerous choice. Not the one to invade Ukraine, although that […]
The Future of Battlefield Nuclear Weapons
Battlefield nuclear weapons — also called tactical or nonstrategic nuclear weapons — are a continuing topic of conversation in the halls of Congress and inside the Pentagon following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But what are they, are they necessary and why do we keep talking about them? Host Geoff Wilson talks with Jane Vaynman, Assistant […]
Fact Sheet: North Korea Sanctions
Updated May 2024 Since North Korea carried out its first nuclear weapon test in 2003, it has been the target of multiple sanctions regimes in an attempt to discourage its nuclear development. The UN and the United States, as well as the European Union, Japan, South Korea, and Australia, have sanctioned North Korea over the […]
How serious is Russia about nuclear war?
Policy Analyst Geoff Wilson talked to Yahoo News about the potential for a Russian use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine and how the West might respond to such an attack. “The risk is higher now than it has been in decades,” Geoff Wilson, a policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told […]