Historically, bioterrorism threat and risk assessments have emphasized vulnerabilities, consequences, and technology-centric approaches which focus on low-probability high-consequence worst-case scenarios.
Casting a Wider Net for Countermeasure R&D Funding Decisions
Senior Science Fellow Lynn Klotz calls for public debate of policy determinations that he says privilege funding and resources for biodefense over that for naturally occurring infectious diseases and a potential influenza pandemic.
Our $70 Billion Lump of Coal
by Travis Sharp Published in the Topeka Capital-Journal on January 11, 2008 If you are anything like me, January is a time of considerable anxiety. My waistline has expanded after too many holiday cookies and too much eggnog. The sweater my grandmother gave me lies abandoned in the corner collecting dust. Worst of all, VISA […]
YouTube Video: The Cost of War in Iraq and Afghanistan
https://youtu.be/_B3QBp1MimM After recent congressional approval of $70 billion in additional spending for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the total cost of the conflict has reached $700 billion, not to mention thousands of American and Iraqi lives. The costs skyrocket even further when you take debt costs and long-term veterans’ care into account. Click here […]
Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons: Promise or Peril?
Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons provides a comprehensive survey of the scientific, military, humanitarian, legal and political issues associated with the development and use of incapacitating biochemical weapons.