By Anna Schumann On July 24, the Center held its annual conference: Managing Global Nuclear Threats, widely attended and streamed online by Congressional staffers, nuclear policy experts and other interested parties. Board member Spencer Boyer began by welcoming the audience and setting the stage for what the upcoming conversations would hold. The first panel, moderated by […]
A Will to Create a Better World
By Anna Schumann I walked into the room at the top of the stairs and saw a seemingly endless stream of bodies lying there, flat on the ground, as the peaceful sounds of leaves and insects filled one ear, and the aggressive sounds of construction filled the other. It was disruptive to hear them both […]
Is Doc Brown a Nuclear Terrorist?
By Anna Schumann Masked beneath the humor and heart that made the 1985 movie, Back to the Future, such a classic, is the very real issue of nuclear security and nuclear terrorism. The movie begins with a newscast in the background: “In other news, officials at The Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumor […]
Nuclear Terrorism: A Real and Preventable Threat
By Anna Schumann I can’t say I’d ever spent too much time thinking about nuclear terrorism before former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry’s class on the issue. I have spent most of my life in America, so the alarming scenarios that clutter my mind typically involve a mass shooting on the public transit I […]
The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism
By Anna Schumann Less than one month ago, I started a new job — a dream job, in every sense of the word, and I’m not just saying that because my new boss will read this — as the Communications Director for the Center. I was hired for my communications experience and, as has been […]