“Far too much waste, inefficiency, and special interest programming plague the defense budget and drive up costs for the taxpayer. Our country faces serious fiscal and budgetary challenges that must be addressed. If spending more for defense than the next 10 country combined, many of them our allies, is not enough to keep America safe, then something is terribly wrong. Clear opportunities exist to take the politics out of national security spending and ensure that strategic decision makers have a clearer voice in defining priorities.”
Eliminate Slush Funds & Wish Lists
“Fundamentally, this slush fund and wish list are an attempt to exceed the Murray-Ryan budget caps and funnel more money into the Pentagon,” noted Executive Director John Isaacs, a 35-year veteran of Capitol Hill politics and budget fights.
Global Security Newswire Story on FY2015 Budget Request Quotes Center
U.S. Nuclear Security Efforts in Russia Stalled Amid Ongoing Ukraine Crisis Douglas Guarino March 5, 2014 U.S. Energy Department efforts to secure vulnerable nuclear materials in Russia have stalled following the expiration of a long-held agreement with Moscow last summer, an agency official said on Tuesday. The now-tenuous situation in neighboring Ukraine may further delay […]
World Politics Review Story on Tough Choices for Pentagon Spending Quotes Kingston Reif
As Pentagon Emphasizes Tough Choices, Post-War Budget May Force Innovation Eric Auner March 5, 2014 After more than a decade with the U.S. at war, the question around Washington is not whether the Defense Department’s budget will come down, but by how much. The Department of Defense officially released its base budget yesterday, which came […]
Netanyahu Offers Views, Not Solutions
“Israel has valid concerns about Iran’s nuclear program; but the most recent International Atomic Energy Agency report, following the implementation of the first-step P5+1-Iran nuclear deal, shows that Iran is complying with the agreement by eliminating its twenty percent enriched uranium stockpile and allowing broad access to its facilities,” said Lt. General (USA ret.) Robert Gard, chairman of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.