Read the full piece here. “More than 15 years have passed since the United States last held serious negotiations with North Korea. North Korea used that time to test and build more and more missiles, to develop nuclear weapons, and conduct five nuclear tests,” Coyle said. “The U.S. should not waste any more time and […]
Senior Science Fellow John Gilbert’s Interview with AJ+
Senior Science Fellow John Gilbert, member of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s Science Working Group spoke to AJ+ about the chemical weapons attack in Syria, explaining the effects of exposure to sarin gas. To watch the video, click here.
Policy Analyst Greg Terryn’s Interview on KFI Radio
Listen to the interview here. Greg Terryn, Policy Analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation spoke to KFI Radio hosts Gary and Shannon about North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile program capabilities. Listen to the interview here.
Scientists Working Group Member Gregory Koblentz on BBC News
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Scientists Working Group member Gregory Koblentz spoke to BBC News about the deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria. To follow the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation on Facebook, click here.
Senior Science Fellow Philip E. Coyle Quoted in the Washington Post
Read the full piece here. “Yes, as a looming threat, not a current threat,” said Philip E. Coyle, a California-based senior science fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and a former assistant secretary of defense. “North Korea does not yet have a long-range missile that can reach California. North Korean missiles can’t […]