Policy Analyst James McKeon was interviewed by WIRED Magazine on the effects of a nuclear war in New Zealand. “If I’m someone with a lot of money who wants to survive the end of the world, New Zealand is far away from any place I could conceivably see a nuclear weapon hitting,” says James McKeon, […]
The Other NPR: Nuclear Posture Review
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell talked to NPR — National Public Radio — about the NPR — Nuclear Posture Review. “We, like the Chinese and Russians, are investing in our nuclear weapons stockpile. The United States should not be buying into an idea that the expansion of a nuclear arsenal is somehow in our interests. […]
A Walk With Alex Bell
Inkstick Media profiled Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell. Quotes from their interview are featured when photos are clicked. “I can’t think of a single weapon that’s been used twice and never again. And the reason for that is, I think, we went too far. And I think we knew that. That’s what scares me the […]
Guerre nucléaire : y a-t-il un risque ?
Senior Policy Analyst Sara Z. Kutchesfahani spoke with Curium, a Canadian magazine for teens, about the dangers of nuclear war. Les vives tensions entre la Corée du Nord et les États-Unis, deux nations détenant l’arme nucléaire, inquiètent le monde entier. Les risques d’une guerre dévastatrice sont-ils réels ? Les armes atomiques existent depuis 1945. Cette année-là, deux bombes ont […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell talked to SyFyWire about nuclear weapons in pop culture. Alexandra Bell, Senior Policy Director at the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation, gave me a list that included most of the above as well as Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and graphic novels The Watchmen, Where the Wind Blowsand Barefoot Gen. She speculated that syllabus […]