Policy Analyst James McKeon participated in a debate on whether U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty harms U.S. national security interests. He argues that it does.
Alexandra Bell, policy director of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: “It seems they did not learn the lessons of the Cold War”
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with La Tercera, a Chilean newspaper about the potential for a new arms race following U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty. “It can certainly trigger and arms race. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty prohibited the production and deployment of ground-based ballistic missiles and cruise missiles with ranges between 500 […]
Las tensiones entre Rusia y Estados Unidos reavivan la carrera del rearme
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with El Pais about the potential for a new arms race after the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty. La situación actual podría ser la repetición en el siglo XXI de una “nueva guerra fría armamentística” aunque más compleja, coincide Alexandra Bell, segunda en el escalafón directivo del Centro para […]
A Farewell to Arms Control?
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was on the Wake weekly broadcast, speaking on the U.S.’ planned withdrawal from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
U.S., Russia Must Extend Arms Control Agreement
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Anna Schumann 202.546.0795 #2115 aschumann@armscontrolcenter.org (FEBRUARY 5, 2019 – WASHINGTON) On the anniversary of its signing, former Congressman and arms control expert John Tierney says it is imperative for the United States and Russia to extend the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). If not, Congress must withhold funding […]