Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with Newsweek about Vladimir Putin’s latest nuclear threats. Monitoring levels of nuclear activity has been the norm since the Cold War, John Erath, the senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told Newsweek. … Ukraine may not get the harsh language that it wants, and Erath […]
‘Weaponizing Winter’: NOW Tonight with Joshua Johnson – Aug. 19 | NBC News NOW
Senior Policy Director John Erath was a guest on NBC Now Tonight, discussing the latest situation in Ukraine and how Russia might seek to weaponize winter. His segment begins around the 8-minute mark.
Experts Explain The Reality Of The Danger From The Zaporizhia Nuclear Plant In Ukraine
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with the Globe Echo about the dangers at a nuclear plant in Ukraine. Why should Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of the bombings and stress the dangers of catastrophe? For Russia, this is a way to “raise the stakes to increase (domestic) concerns, and to highlight the importance […]
How real is the danger from Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant?
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with POLITICO about the dangers of Russian occupation of a nuclear plant in Ukraine. “The idea of a nuclear accident is scary — it will get people’s attention — so it is a ready-made tool for this purpose” said John Erath, senior policy director at the Center for Arms […]
Russia ratchets up the danger at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with Grid about potential dangers at a nuclear plant in Ukraine. There are at least two main threats to this orchestration at Zaporizhzhia, said John Erath, senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. One is of a disaster caused by a cooling failure at the […]