Executive Director John Tierney was quoted in Newsweek about the Biden administration’s plan to extend the New START agreement with Russia for the full five years allowed by the treaty. “Extending New START for the full five years allowed under the terms of the agreement is the right decision,” John Tierney, executive director of the […]
The Humanity Beneath the Bomb
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke about U.S.-Russian nuclear diplomacy, the Open Skies Treaty and the future of arms control on War on the Rocks’ A Most Terrible Weapon podcast. “We engage in these processes and negotiations not because they’re fun…we do it for our own security.” Listen now
Trump nears nuke-treaty extension in campaign’s final days
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with National Journal about a potential agreement on New START extension.
Last-minute offer revives nuke talks on START treaty
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with PRI’s The World about the negotiations surrounding the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, noting that “It’s not a gambling chip, it’s a life preserver.” Listen now
Op-Ed: To Reboot Arms Control, Start with Small Steps
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell co-authored an op-ed in Defense One laying out three guiding principles that can help make future arms control dialogues more successful. “After generations of careful and painstaking work to build a global arms control architecture, it is now collapsing. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or New START, is the […]