President Obama’s final budget request includes disappointing reductions in funding for nuclear non-proliferation programs.
Fact Sheet: Is a New Nuclear Air-Launched Cruise Missile Necessary?
The U.S. is planning to build a nuclear armed cruise missile, but at what cost?
A Side-by-Side Comparison of House, Senate and Conference Defense Authorization Bills
A closer look a the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act.
Fact Sheet: Iran and the Additional Protocol
Under the final agreement between the P5+1 and Iran, Iran will implement an Additional Protocol agreement, and will continue in perpetuity unless Iran withdraws from the NPT.
A Side-by-Side Comparison of House and Senate Defense Authorization Bills
Department of Defense – Military, Base Budget (051) House Senate $496.1 billion $496.5 billion Atomic Energy Defense Activities (053) House Senate $18.9 billion $18.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations House Senate $89.2 billion $88.9 billion TOTAL: National Defense (Budget Function 050) House Senate $604.2 billion $604.1 billion Sea-Based Deterrence Fund House […]