Research Analyst Shawn Rostker wrote an op-ed in RealClear Defense on the lacking utility of hypersonic missiles. The United States has been exploring research and development of hypersonic weapons technologies for decades. Historically, such funding has been relatively modest, but in recent years the Department of Defense (DoD) has grown more vocal in its desire to accelerate development and […]
Press & In the News on Nuclear Weapons Spending
Op-ed: Why Congress Shouldn’t Fund a New Sea-Launched Nuke
Senior Policy Director John Erath wrote an op-ed in Just Security about the nuclear sea-launched cruise missile (SLCM-N) and why it is not worth its cost. Reviving the nuclear-armed sea-launched cruise missile not only goes against sound military doctrine, it also undermines the basic national interests the United States Navy has always protected. So why do […]
Op-Ed: Where’s the Accountability? Congress Must Get Answers Before Spending More on Missile Program
Executive Director John Tierney wrote an op-ed in Newsweek on the need for greater oversight over the Sentinel missile’s budget overruns. Increasing costs are common in many industries but pose an insidious challenge for military acquisitions. Should a construction project, for example, go over budget, it can be canceled. However, if a defense system runs […]
Op-ed: Planned expansion of Savannah River Site nuclear weapons facility needs environmental commitment
Program Coordinator Emma Sandifer wrote an op-ed in Georgia Recorder on the need for greater environmental oversight on the planned expansion of the Savannah River Site. A nuclear weapons facility along the Georgia-South Carolina border is about to get a lot busier — but before billions of our tax dollars get spent, we need to ask […]
Are Nuclear-Armed Nations Entering a New Arms Race in 2024? Experts Weigh In.
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with Truthout about the dangers of nuclear weapons and arms racing in 2024. Despite this, John Erath, senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, says “the possibility of nuclear war is very small,” but hastened to add that the catastrophic dangers and potential consequences of even “limited use” […]