Executive Director John Tierney spoke with The Progressive Magazine on the importance of transparency in nuclear dialogue. Defense hawks, including former President Donald Trump, argue that releasing stockpile details gives enemies vital information. But advocates say otherwise. Transparency “reduces chances of misperception and removes another’s perceived need to build more under an impression that it is ‘behind’ […]
John Tierney
Where Is the Protest?
Executive Director John Tierney spoke with The Progressive Magazine about factors that are impacting the lack of focus on today’s worsening arms race. The end of the Cold War with the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and a series of treaties that reduced the number of nuclear warheads worldwide from more than 70,000 to 12,500 today. “I […]
Op-Ed: Where’s the Accountability? Congress Must Get Answers Before Spending More on Missile Program
Executive Director John Tierney wrote an op-ed in Newsweek on the need for greater oversight over the Sentinel missile’s budget overruns. Increasing costs are common in many industries but pose an insidious challenge for military acquisitions. Should a construction project, for example, go over budget, it can be canceled. However, if a defense system runs […]
After More Than $1 Billion in Funding, MacArthur’s Big Bets Are Winding Down. What Happens Now?
Executive Director John Tierney spoke with Inside Philanthropy about how the closure of MacArthur’s Nuclear Security program will impact its grantees. The article is paywalled. When it comes to longer-term change, the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s Tierney believes the field has made significant inroads and that any analysis of the field should take this […]