by Travis Sharp During the week of March 30, both the House and Senate will consider their respective versions of the fiscal year (FY) 2010 Budget Resolution. The annual Budget Resolution is not submitted to the President for signature and does not have the force of law. It does serve as a blueprint for later […]
Spend More Wisely on National Security
by Robert G. Gard [contact information] by Travis Sharp [contact information] Published on The Huffington Post on March 31, 2009 As the U.S. government spends hundreds of billions of dollars to create jobs and revive the American economy, vigilance is required to make sure that our money is spent effectively. Yet stimulus funds are not […]
Smarter Power in Obama’s Budget
by Travis Sharp by Katie Mounts In the final years of the Bush administration, as U.S. military spending increased to levels not seen since World War II, experts predicted regularly that defense budgets would stop growing soon. These predictions became more plausible late last year as the economic crisis struck. When Barack Obama got […]
Fiscal Year 2010 Pentagon Defense Spending Request: February “Topline”
by Travis Sharp FY 2010 Pentagon Defense Spending Request Resources Executive Summary February 26, 2009 On February 26, President Barack Obama released a preliminary outline of its spending priorities and agency budgets (known as “toplines”) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, which begins on October 1. In a typical year, the President would submit a detailed […]
Goodbye to Defense’s Gilded Age?
by Travis Sharp Published in Foreign Policy in Focus on October 15, 2008 The recently passed financial bailout package has drawn the ire of citizens throughout the United States. Both conservatives and liberals have condemned Congress and the White House for rescuing Wall Street titans, who caused the economic death spiral in the first place, […]