By Deverrick Holmes, Policy Intern This week, as Congress considers the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Members will vote on whether the United States needs a new small or “low-yield” nuclear weapon. The specific policy that was hotly contested by Members of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), and eventually defeated, provided funding for the […]
The NPT at 51
July 1 marks 51 years since the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, or NPT, opened for signature. 51 years later, here’s why the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is still the world’s most important nuclear treaty.
Did abandoning the ABM Treaty make America safer?
By Bryce Farabaugh and Deverrick Holmes, Policy Interns This month marks the seventeenth anniversary of the United States withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, a landmark agreement from the Cold War that limited American and Soviet (and subsequently, Russian) ground-based, anti-ballistic missile defense systems. Originally signed May 26, 1972, between American President Richard Nixon and Soviet General Secretary […]
Seventeen years post-ABM Treaty withdrawal, where are we?
Today marks 17 years since the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. What’s happened since then? Nothing good!
Will the Real Godzilla Please Stand Up?
Almost everyone has heard of Godzilla, even if they’ve never seen a Godzilla movie. What most people don’t know is the famous monster’s connection to nuclear weapons. Sixty-five years and 35 movies after its 1954 debut, Godzilla is still a mainstay in our summer movie rotation, but its origins have been all but erased. With […]