Between 1944 and 1994, the U.S. government produced 99.5 metric tons of plutonium for use in an estimated 70,000 nuclear weapons. Today, roughly 80% of the U.S. nuclear arsenal has been discarded, and the United States is struggling to dispose of the surplus plutonium. Currently, a total of 61.2 tons of plutonium is declared excess […]
Nuclear Security
Fact Sheet: The Nuclear Triad
The U.S. nuclear arsenal comprises thousands of nuclear weapons and three methods of delivery, sometimes called “legs.” Warheads can be launched from the air via strategic bombers carrying gravity bombs or cruise missiles, from the sea by submarines holding ballistic missiles, or from underground silos housing intercontinental ballistic missiles. Collectively, these delivery methods are referred […]
In the News: DHS Cutting Support for Programs to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism
Over the past two years, the Department of Homeland Security has been dismantling programs to prevent nuclear terrorism “without rigorous review of potential security vulnerabilities.” These changes undermine “government-wide efforts aimed at countering terrorist attacks involving unconventional weapons, known as WMD.” An LA Times report also found “Overall, more than 100 scientists and policy experts […]
In the News: Two People Jump Fence at Nuclear Facility with HEU
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reported two people jumped a security fence at a nuclear facility near San Francisco on July 10 — this reactor is one of the few in the US that uses highly enriched uranium (HEU). FMWG Member Dr. Ed Lyman of Union of Concerned Scientists explains the incident “highlights the […]
In the News: DTRA Considering Virtual Reality to Train Against Radiological Threats
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency is looking at virtual reality training systems that would allow troops to rehearse scenarios involving “radiological threats.” Officials are soliciting info for potential future acquisitions and responses are due August 12.