Kim Jong-un’s finger may be on the nuclear button, but is he politically ready to press it?
Senator Alexander opposes moving CMRR/UPF to MILCON
At the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) mark-up of H.R. 4310 on May 9, Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Michale Turner (R-OH) offered an amendment authorizing the Pentagon (by way of the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee…
Exceeding Nuclear Excess
AOL Defense published an op-ed by Gen. Gard and yours truly on the House version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310), which passed the House last Friday by a vote of 299-120. Here’s our intro: There is broad bipartisan agreeme…
“The Politics of Reduction”
In my May Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists column I explore the history of post-Cold War GOP efforts to constrain Democratic presidents from making reductions to the size of the US nuclear arsenal and how such efforts harm US national security.
Don’t Bring Back CMRR
House Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Michael Turner wants to force the United States to invest in a multi-billion dollar nuclear weapons research facility that it does not need, the $6+ billion Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NF) at Los Alamos National Laboratory.