Following a successful effort by 42 Democratic senators to block a resolution of disapproval, the nuclear agreement between Iran, the United States, and its international negotiating partners, was not derailed during the congressional review period. Winning this hard-fought victory required the Obama administration to learn lessons from its previous efforts to pass major legislation through […]
Richard Klass
Col. Klass: Iran Agreement is No Short-Term Deal
Op-ed by Col. Richard Klass, vice chair of the Center board, on the longevity of the Iran nuclear agreement.
Board Member Richard Klass Published Article in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Senate Bill Threat
Now that the United States, its international partners and Iran finally agreed on a framework for a final nuclear deal, one of the biggest hurdles facing its implementation is a bill in Congress — supported by Virginia’s senators, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, both Democrats — that carries a high risk of derailing this historic opportunity of peacefully limiting Iran’s ability to build a nuclear weapon.
CNN publishes piece by Board Member, Richard Klass on Iran Deal
The United States and its negotiating partners reached a very strong framework agreement with Iran in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Thursday that limits Iran’s nuclear program in such a way as to effectively block it from building a nuclear weapon.
The Hill Publishes Piece by Board Member Col. Richard Klass on GOP Letter
The Demise of American foreign policy March 13, 2015 By Colonel Richard L. Klass (USA, Ret.) I wonder who will take “credit” if the Iranian nuclear talks fail. Will it be Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio), based on his unprecedented partisan invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session […]