Policy Analyst James McKeon spoke with i24 News (Israel) about what was and wasn’t said at the Trump-Kim summit.
Southeast Asia’s choice: what the Singapore summit means for the region
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Southeast Asia Globe about the effects of potential sanctions relief coming out of the Trump-Kim summit. And yet, in the eventuality of a failed summit, the West may depend more than ever before on Southeast Asia – and on every region enabling North Korea’s economic activity – to […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was a featured guest on the Bombshell podcast from War on the Rocks ahead of the Trump-Kim Summit.
Ahead of Trump-Kim summit, GOP senator wants Congress to approve NK ‘military option’
Policy Analyst James McKeon spoke to Circa about the potential consequences of an unsuccessful Trump-Kim summit. Abandoning diplomacy would be the worst-case outcome of the Singapore Summit, said James McKeon a policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. “The biggest concern about a failed summit is that President Trump walks out, or […]
What to expect from US-North Korea talks in Singapore
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with CNBC’s Power Lunch to discuss expectations from the Trump-Kim summit. “Finding a middle ground between what the U.S. and North Korea want means very technical discussions and both sides having to give.” Read more