Listen to the podcast here. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell joined the host of NPR’s Marketplace podcast Kai Ryssdal to discuss North Korea’s nuclear weekend; from the missiles displayed in a massive parade in Pyongyang to the failed missile launch, and the nuclear test some people predicted that never […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell Quoted in POLITICO
Read the full piece here. Alexandra Bell, who worked on arms control issues for the Obama administration, said that even though this weekend’s missile test may have been a technical failure, “it’s important to remember that the North Koreans are learning things with each and every test.” “The test is also a clear demonstration that […]
Executive Director John Tierney on BBC News
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Executive Director John Tierney spoke to BBC News about the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and the Trump Administration’s added escalations. Watch the interview to listen to Tierney’s suggestions on how the United States government can bring down the temperature.
Policy Analyst James McKeon’s Interview on TVBS News
Watch the video here (in Mandarin). Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Policy Analyst James McKeon spoke to TVBS News about the U.S. military options in North Korea, the implications of the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea, and how the U.S. should approach the North Korean threat. McKeon’s segment begins […]
Policy Analyst James McKeon’s Interview on BBC Radio 4
Listen to the complete radio interview here. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Policy Analyst James McKeon spoke to BBC Radio 4 about North Korea’s latest intermediate-range ballistic missile test conducted days before Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.S. to meet President Donald Trump to talk about North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. Listen […]