Read the full piece here. “More than 15 years have passed since the United States last held serious negotiations with North Korea. North Korea used that time to test and build more and more missiles, to develop nuclear weapons, and conduct five nuclear tests,” Coyle said. “The U.S. should not waste any more time and […]
Policy Analyst Greg Terryn’s Interview on KFI Radio
Listen to the interview here. Greg Terryn, Policy Analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation spoke to KFI Radio hosts Gary and Shannon about North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile program capabilities. Listen to the interview here.
Senior Science Fellow Philip E. Coyle Quoted in the Washington Post
Read the full piece here. “Yes, as a looming threat, not a current threat,” said Philip E. Coyle, a California-based senior science fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and a former assistant secretary of defense. “North Korea does not yet have a long-range missile that can reach California. North Korean missiles can’t […]
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle Quoted in Korea Expose
Read the full piece here. Philip Coyle, Senior Science Fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation, concurred. “After a very poor record with six test failures in a row in the 1990s, THAAD has successfully intercepted its targets in 11 out of 11 tests since 2006, but these tests are highly scripted to […]
National Advisory Board Member General Robert Gard’s Letter to the Washington Post
Read the LTE here. The March 23 editorial “Give North Korea the Iran treatment” continued the general practice of claiming that North Korea failed to fulfill its commitments, when it was the United States that failed to do so in the two most promising negotiations to stop the North Korean nuclear weapons program. Read the […]