Emerging cyber tools and computational capabilities will expand and connect the digital world in ways that will create new opportunities as well as new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Quantum information sciences (QIS), the Internet of Things and cloud computing are among the most promising technologies in terms of impact on the evolution of the digital world — […]
Fact Sheet: Depleted Uranium
What is Depleted Uranium? Depleted uranium (DU) is a toxic heavy metal and the main by-product of uranium enrichment. Uranium left over from the enrichment process is called “depleted” because it has only about one-third as much U-235 as natural uranium. DU is not usable for nuclear weapons as it does not contain enough fissile […]
How Open-Source Intelligence Can Unlock Nuclear Secrets
Open-source intelligence (OSINT) and satellite imagery have changed the way civil organizations understand and evaluate nuclear arsenals and delivery systems — and the way governments interact with a changing balance of transparency and secrecy. Join us as we break down new developments in OSINT technology, how OSINT analysis can be used in nuclear weapons verification […]
The Evolving Cyber-Based Threat: The Need for International Regulations to Avoid ‘Accidental’ Conflicts
By Gabriel Molini* While recent history has been marked by the overhanging threat of a nuclear holocaust, warfare continues to evolve and expand even beyond the deadliest weapons humans have ever created. It is simple to show the horror and damage caused by any potential use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), but it is […]
Biological threats have evolved for the worse, and we are not prepared
By Sophy Macartney Dual-use technologies have been a concern of national security since the 1950s and were originally targeted at preventing the diversion of items with military uses. The scope of dual-use export controls has since shifted toward preventing the covert development of nuclear weapons. But as technology and science developments speed up, the danger […]