With decreasing transparency and increasing tensions in the Middle East, Iran’s nuclear ambitions are constantly in the news. How close is Iran to a nuclear weapon, and how should the United States approach Iran’s nuclear program? In this episode, we explore past diplomacy related to Iran’s nuclear program and ways to move forward. Program Coordinator […]
Middle East
Lessons from South Africa: A New Strategy for Iran’s Nuclear Threat
by William Bittner* Iran is closer than ever to acquiring nuclear weapons. The risks to the international community are obvious—an arms race with the Gulf monarchies or theft by terrorists, to name just two—but so are the costs to Iran itself, which is already crippled by economic sanctions that have contributed to domestic unrest. The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan […]
Syria Still Has Chemical Weapons
Greg Koblentz, member of the Center’s Scientists Working Group of Chemical and Biological Threats, co-authored an op-ed in Foreign Affairs about eradicated the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal. The overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad after 13 years of civil war happened more quickly and with far less bloodshed than anyone expected. It was especially surprising that […]
The Fall of Assad: A Cautionary Tale for Kim Jong Un
By Shawn Rostker The recent fall of Syria’s Assad regime offers a stark lesson for North Korea: relying on Russia is a gamble that Pyongyang cannot afford to take lightly. Bashar al-Assad’s downfall was, in large part, the result of Moscow’s inability to provide the decisive support needed to save its partner. While the fall […]
IAEA chief tours sensitive Iran nuclear plants
Paul Castleman Fellow Sam Hickey spoke with Yahoo News about the IAEA’s recent tour of Iranian nuclear plants. Samuel Hickey of the Washington-based Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said Grossi’s tour of the two plants was “significant for both technical monitoring and symbolic reasons”. “Natanz serves as Iran’s main uranium enrichment facility, while Fordo houses […]