By Greg Terryn and Angela Canterbury For the second year in a row, lawmakers cut funding for programs essential to the United States’ fight against nuclear terrorism. Responsible for monitoring, securing, and removing at-risk radioactive material, nuclear non-proliferation programs limit the ability of rogue states and terrorist organizations to obtain the catalysts for a nuclear […]
Finalizing the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization (NDAA): Key Issues for Congress
For the third year in a row, the United States Senate is unlikely to approve its own version of the critically important Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). So much for being “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” After voting on September 18 on a bill to keep the government running through mid-December and […]
Senate Appropriators Defy Administration on Nukes
by Kingston Reif and Gabrielle Tarini A new Senate bill released at the end of July contains a number of small but critically important victories, most notably in the realm of funding nuclear material security and nonproliferation. As a budget battle between the President and Congress rages on, there is a conspicuous difference in the […]
Fact Sheet: The Ohio-Class Replacement Ballistic Submarine Program
by Gabrielle Tarini Background The Ohio-Class Replacement program, also known as the SSBN(X), is a program to design and build a new class of 12 ballistic missile submarines to replace the U.S. Navy’s current force of 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines. Ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) form “the most survivable leg” of the U.S. nuclear […]
Report Card: Non-Proliferation & Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Program Funding
A report card grading the White House’s funding request and the House Armed Services Committee authorization for nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear terrorism prevention programs for Fiscal Year 2015. D – The White House’s fiscal year 2015 budget request cuts $534 million in funding for nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear terrorism prevention programs based on the enacted […]