In case you missed it amidst a rather eventful news day, the House this evening passed by voice vote H.R. 5889, the Nuclear Terrorism Conventions Implementation and Safety of Maritime Navigation Act of 2012.
Obama, Putin, and Playing Well With Others
With campaign rhetoric calling Russia America’s greatest geopolitical foe, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s saber-rattling, and disagreements on tough issues such as Syria, it’s easy to forget how much common ground the United States and Russia share.
Bipartisan Anti-Nuke Terror Legislation Introduced
6/6 11:25 AM: Moments ago the House Judiciary Committee favorably reported the implementing legislation to the full House. By Miles Pomper and Kingston Reif Earlier today, at long last, Republican and Democratic Members of the House Judiciary Committ…
Just in case I wasn’t clear…
Former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Meir Dagan, hasn’t been shy about his opinion on Iran. But just in case his previous statements haven’t resonated in quite the way they should, Dagan hit the nail on the head today, when he told an audience at an Israeli think tank that, “A strike could accelerate the procurement of the bomb. An attack isn’t enough to stop the project.”
[Op-Ed] 2012 Nuclear Security Summit: What It Was and Wasn’t
by Duyeon Kim Published in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on March 30, 2012 available here. 2012 NUCLEAR SECURITY SUMMIT: WHAT IT WAS AND WASN’T BY DUYEON KIM | 30 MARCH 2012 Article Highlights The 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul could have been a watershed moment for nuclear security, but it was largely […]