Updated January 2023 India tested its first nuclear weapon in 1974, becoming the sixth country to detonate a nuclear weapon. The country’s arsenal carries weapons with estimated average yields ranging from 10 to 40 kilotons, though exact yields are unknown. India is pursuing membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and became a member of the Missile […]
Fact Sheet: Pakistan’s Nuclear Inventory
Updated September 2022 Pakistan tested its first nuclear weapon in 1998, becoming the world’s 7th state to officially test a nuclear weapon. The exact yields of the weapons in the country’s current arsenal are not known, but general estimates are between 5-12 kilotons (kt) for most weapons, with some longer-range ballistic missiles possibly reaching 40 kt. […]
New Language in the 2019 report on “Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments.”
This is a selection of major new content found in the 2019 Compliance Report versus the 2018 Compliance Report. This document is prepared by the U.S. Department of State annually as, “a report providing a detailed assessment of the adherence of the United States and other nations to obligations undertaken in all arms control, nonproliferation, […]
Some Key Elements of House Armed Services Committee Draft FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Bill (H.R. 2500)
Note: source of material with only a page number from Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark – http://bit.ly/2KCDhco Source of other items from Chairman Adam Smith’s full committee mark available from Political Pro behind a paywall – http://bit.ly/2KCDmgc Nuclear Forces Prohibits funds for the deployment of W76-2 low-yield warhead (p.6) and cuts entire $10 million request […]
Fact Sheet: Low-Yield Trident D5 Warhead: Dangerous, Unnecessary, and Destabilizing
Congress should deny authorization and appropriations for production and deployment for the Trump Administration’s request for a new, modified “low-yield” warhead for the Trident D5 submarine-launched ballistic missile. Specifically, Congress should prohibit fielding and zero the NNSA budget request of $10 million and the DoD budget request of $25.7 million ($19.6M for W76-2 and $6.1M […]