by William Bittner* Iran is closer than ever to acquiring nuclear weapons. The risks to the international community are obvious—an arms race with the Gulf monarchies or theft by terrorists, to name just two—but so are the costs to Iran itself, which is already crippled by economic sanctions that have contributed to domestic unrest. The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan […]
Next Up in Arms Control
Printers of Mass Destruction: Seeking Pathways to Curb the Threat of Additive Manufacturing
by Ivan Siluianov* Today, the world is inundated with 3D-printed guns, which are used in major armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, and homicides. While UN member states are trying to address the impact of these weapons, one question arises: Are 3D-printers — barely regulated and widely accessible — capable of enabling the production of components for […]
“Barbenheimer:” Nuclear Weapons and Their Diffusion through Pop Culture
By Anne Alessandra Cuadros Gutiérrez* Last August marked the 78th anniversary of the devastating U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which resulted in the deaths of approximately 214,000 people. These events have left an indelible mark on history, but unfortunately still can be trivialized in pop culture. By following a few simple guidelines, filmmakers, studio […]
A Sociological Approach to Proliferation-related Intelligence on North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons
By Lauren Cho* Over the past decades, U.S. efforts to normalize diplomatic relations with North Korea have failed to yield lasting results. Looking forward, it is critical to put greater emphasis on the socio-economic connections that are intertwined with the state’s nuclear weapons program in our diplomatic efforts. By gaining insights into the social implications […]
The Evolving Cyber-Based Threat: The Need for International Regulations to Avoid ‘Accidental’ Conflicts
By Gabriel Molini* While recent history has been marked by the overhanging threat of a nuclear holocaust, warfare continues to evolve and expand even beyond the deadliest weapons humans have ever created. It is simple to show the horror and damage caused by any potential use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), but it is […]