The Center hosted our annual conference September 19 with both in-person and virtual attendees. The theme was the future of arms control, and our expert speakers discussed critical topics including involving China in arms control negotiations, the changing role of arms control, using technological advancements in treaty verification and more. We were thrilled to have […]
The Evolving Cyber-Based Threat: The Need for International Regulations to Avoid ‘Accidental’ Conflicts
By Gabriel Molini* While recent history has been marked by the overhanging threat of a nuclear holocaust, warfare continues to evolve and expand even beyond the deadliest weapons humans have ever created. It is simple to show the horror and damage caused by any potential use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), but it is […]
전문가들 “김정은 방러, 전방위 군사 협력 현실화…중국 셈법 복잡”
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with VOA Korean, a Korean-language publication, on the consequences of increased dialogue between North Korea and Russia. The article and corresponding broadcast report are in Korean. Read and watch more
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un to meet with Vladimir Putin as Russia seeks closer military ties, more support for Ukraine war
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with NewsHub about the relationship between North Korea and Russia. Watch here
Biological threats have evolved for the worse, and we are not prepared
By Sophy Macartney Dual-use technologies have been a concern of national security since the 1950s and were originally targeted at preventing the diversion of items with military uses. The scope of dual-use export controls has since shifted toward preventing the covert development of nuclear weapons. But as technology and science developments speed up, the danger […]