Research Analyst Shawn Rostker wrote an op-ed in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on strengthening risk reduction in nuclear weapons states. On February 4, 2026, the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), the last legally binding arms control agreement on strategic nuclear warheads, will expire, ushering in a theoretically unconstrained nuclear world. Treaty-based […]
Op-ed: From Crossbows to Nuclear Weapons: Arms Control in an Imperfect World
Senior Policy Director John Erath wrote an op-ed in Geopolitical Monitor about arms control throughout history. Around 1096, the Pope issued a decree banning crossbows as murderous and un-Christian weapons. Although a later Pope clarified that it was still allowable to kill heathens with crossbows, all Christian nations were supposed to refrain from the use of such […]
Op-ed: Nuclear Film Heists and Heroes Make For Apathy on the Weapons Themselves
Communications Associate Farah Sonde wrote an op-ed in Inkstick analyzing what Hollywood and Bollywood blockbusters teach audiences about their role in nuclear weapons policy and how arms control advocates can change the narrative. As much as I love my job as a Communications Associate at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, there’s nothing more […]
Op-ed: Lessons From a Year of War in Ukraine
Senior Policy Director John Erath wrote an op-ed in Just Security analyzing the lessons learned from the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “Those who do not learn from history are condemned to suffer for their failure. On Feb. 24, 2022, Russia escalated its war of aggression against Ukraine with a massive attack, […]
Op-Ed: Biology Is Dangerously Outpacing Policy
Gregory Koblentz, a member of the Center’s Scientists Working Group, co-authored an article for the New York Times about the need for greater government oversight on pathogen research in lab environments. “The original source of the coronavirus pandemic remains unconfirmed. While it was likely the result of a spillover from animals to humans, a lab […]