At the Center and Council, we stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and believe that all Americans must work to dismantle and destroy structural racism in our society. We support the peaceful protests happening throughout the country and denounce the Trump administration’s efforts to impede the Constitutional right to assemble. We stand with journalists who are working incessantly to shine light […]
National Advisory Board Member General Robert Gard’s Letter to the Washington Post
Read the LTE here. The March 23 editorial “Give North Korea the Iran treatment” continued the general practice of claiming that North Korea failed to fulfill its commitments, when it was the United States that failed to do so in the two most promising negotiations to stop the North Korean nuclear weapons program. Read the […]
Senior Science Fellow Dr. Lynn C. Klotz’s letter to the Boston Globe
Letter in response to the article “CDC backs BU lab for deadliest pathogens” (Metro, Dec. 25). THE ARTICLE “CDC backs BU lab for deadliest pathogens” (Metro, Dec. 25) may have left the the impression that most people in the community are not concerned about the safety of the Biosafety Level 4 lab at National Emerging […]
FY 2017 Defense Budget Request Briefing Book
Click to download a PDF version of the briefing book. The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget in Context Introduction The Fiscal Year 2017 Defense Department requests $523.9 billion for the annual “base” budget, which is $2.2 billion more than current levels, and $10.4 billion below last year’s request. This amount does not include certain other security […]
Organizations Support Funding the IAEA to Monitor Iran Nuclear Agreement
Nuclear Watchdog Organization needs Funding to Effectively Monitor Iran (PDF Version) Dear Members of Congress, We write to you regarding the crucial need to fully fund the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the watchdog organization responsible for overseeing the implementation of the nuclear agreement between the United States, its negotiating partners, and Iran. The IAEA […]