Policy Analyst Monica Montgomery spoke with The Hill about the Biden administration drawing “red lines” when it comes to Russia’s war in Ukraine. “Red lines is, I think, a very scary word in Washington, particularly following President Obama and the red lines supposedly drawn in Syria, and a lot of politicians and also leaders will shy away […]
Biden’s Air Defense Pledge to Ukraine May Not Be Realistic
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with Newsweek about the weapons used in Ukraine. There are two situations at play in Ukraine, according to John Erath, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Erath told Newsweek that there’s actual conflict on the ground, where HIMARS have proven very effective at hitting key Russian […]
‘A very dangerous road’: Putin and the U.S. navigate a new round of nuclear brinkmanship
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with Yahoo! News about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats. “This is something we have not seen before, which is a nuclear state making a direct threat to use nuclear weapons,” John Erath, senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told Yahoo News. Biden “is reminding […]
Qué son las armas nucleares tácticas con las que Putin amenaza a Ucrania
Senior Policy Director John Erath spoke with Univision about the ongoing war in Ukraine. “No creo que sea todavía muy probable el uso de estas armas, pero hay que tomar en serio estas amenazas: no haces amenazas de este tipo a menos que estés preparado para cumplirlas”, dice a Univision Noticias John Erath, director principal de […]
If Russia Drops a Nuke, the U.S. Has These Three Options
Senior Policy Director John Erath was quoted in Newsweek discussing Russia’s nuclear threats. But “because of the extreme consequences of the use of any nuclear weapon, any risk has to be taken very, very seriously,” John Erath, senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, a U.S.-based nonprofit, told Newsweek. “The risk of […]